If you know me from HubPages then you will have read some of my stuff already, if you don't know what HubPages is, get over their and start writing, they get over 25 million visitors PER MONTH! so it's a great place to get exposure to your talents. Feel free to comment, make suggestions, slag me off, I don't mind, my shoulders are wide and have stood the test of time.
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
A demographic problem... that affects you!
If you have watched the video, you will have learned that effectively the world as we westerners know it looks set to change, and not in our favour.
Whilst the atheists on our forums are gleefully predicting the eminent demise of religion, and Christianity in particular, they neglect to look into what will happenin a post Christian world, preferring to focus on what they wish would happen in an atheist world.
Islam is not their friend.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Words have power....
Words have power, when we write them, when we speak them and when we hear them.
Gods commands to us are in word form initially, we read what God thinks and states about everything, and if we come to faith, we accept that God has given us the answers to life.
We may not understand the answer, nor possibly even the question, but we know that God does and He will explain to us when the time is right, which will be when we are worthy and trusted to know and not abuse the information provided.
Not For The Timid: A Difficult Lesson In Modern Day Christendom
Monday, 25 January 2010
How not to lose your money in Spanish property purchases.
People did of course, hence the term 'black bag', and we helped them spend their mostly covert and undeclared funds by converting it into Spanish property."
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Thursday, 14 January 2010
The Satan whisperers..."Did God really say that?"
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Words From The Wise Should Be Sufficient
I think that every aspect of our lives is being privatized so that a small cabal of bankers can exercise complete control of our existence. Am I a conspiracy theorist? Absolutely.
Here are a few of the many quotes I have collected during extensive research for my essays. I have not bothered to put them in any particular order. Feel free to copy them for your own use if you so desire. They are an eduction in and of themselves.